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How to Fix Nearly All Roland 13-pin Guitar Synthesizer Problems

In the video below I show a simple solution that in my experience will fix 90% of all your Roland 13-pin guitar synth problems using Caig DeoxIT D5.

I have used Caig DeoxIT for decades to fix scratchy pots or intermittent mixer jacks. Years back when I started having problems with an older Roland 13-pin guitar synth I went to the V-Guitar Forum for advice and found countless members advocating for using Caig DeoxIT D5 on cable connections to clear up problems.

I was skeptical: why would a contact cleaner fix an issue that suddenly arose, when my synth worked great the day before? But time and time again DeoxIT fixed the problem. These days the first thing I do when I get ready to use my Roland guitar gear is to refresh the connectors with DeoxIT.

So how apply DeoxIT? First this is a product where less is more. I never spray directly on the guitar or on the synth. You only need a small amount. I have a dedicated toothbrush that I only use with DeoxIT. I spray the DeoxIT on to the bristles of the toothbrush.

I then use the toothbrush to gently apply the DeoxIT in and round the pins of both ends of the 13-pin cable. When I am done, I will insert and remove the 13-pin cable a few times. Both on the guitar and on the synth.

If you check out the V-Guitar Forum you will find many opinions on various methods to apply DeoxIT. This is what works for me.

Caig DeoxIT D5 fixes 90% of my Roland 13-pin guitar synth problems. What about the other 10%? That is solved with a new 13-pin cable. Me, personally, I have never had a guitar synth pickup go bad, or the electronics card fail, or an issue with the 13-pin connectors. I am sure it happens, but it is rare.
